Well as some of you may know (and some may not) I am in the process of starting my own non-profit org. Let me give you a little back story to help create a clear picture of my vision.
I am the mom to 4 girls which range in age of 21-3. Yes, that's a big spread. When I was pregnant with my 3rd daughter I had complications and went into premature labor, I was only 26 and didn't really understand the implications of having a child 10 weeks early. I managed to make it to full term. Well, 10 years later I was pregnant with my 4th child at 36....apparently in the world of medicine that is considered "advanced maternal age"...I remember distinctly laughing at my doctor when he told me that. Needless to say he was correct in the fact that my pregnancy was going to be very difficult. It started immediately after I found out and every day was a race to the next day. Always praying if we could get another day or another week under our belt we would be ok. I had major complications at 16 weeks and it just snowballed from there. Around 26 or 27 weeks my husband and I had to have a talk...the dreaded "what if"..."what if" there was something wrong with her...."what if" she didn't survive the pregnancy and I had to deliver her early and she didn't make it...yes I know very morbid but very much the reality I was living in.
At that point I started researching on bereavement photography. I just knew that if God forbid, she didn't make it through then I wanted to make sure I had as many photos of her as I could. I didn't want to pretend that this little angel never existed. I was so overwhelmed with emotion and knew that whoever took these photographs would have to be very sensitive and caring and kind...after all this was a very personal intimate situation. Just so you know this story does have a happy ending. Through much prayer and the Sheer GRACE of GOD we made it through the pregnancy and McKenzie Grace was born on Jan 23rd 2007! It was a miracle!!
So now lets fast forward.....
I have been taking pictures for as long as I can remember. I go to an amazing Church called Elevation. We have been attending for about 2 years. I have been volunteering my time for appox. 1.5 years. Recently, about 4 months ago...I felt like God was calling me to do something else, something bigger...using the talents that he had given me. Immediately it was very clear to me what He was asking me to do....I went spiraling back to that very moment when I thought I was going to loose My daughter. I knew right then and there that the very event that I was dealing with was God's way of preparing me for what He wanted me to do. I chewed on this for a couple of months and just kept it my little secret, only sharing with 2 people. Well, recently our Pastor, Steven Furtick was preaching a service on "Empowerment" and starting your own ministry. Well needless to say I got the message loud and clear!! The day I decided I was going to move forward, I received a email from a dear friend of mine who was pregnant and had to deliver her little angel and giver her to the Lord. I stepped down from my volunteer team and made the choice right then and there what I needed to do. So moving forward, Iam going to be offering Bereavement Photography, to any family who has to let their little angels go home. This is a non profit org and there will be absolutely NO CHARGE to the families!!!! I want to give back to these families and pray that in some way I can bring a blessing to them! The organization will be called "Unique By His Design" because we all are wonderfully and beautifully made! God has our purpose mapped out before we are even born and know that he doesn't make mistakes. I am ready to take the talents that God has given me and give them back to families in need and hope that in some way I can help them through the grieving process. Know that it is an honor and a priviledge to be able to share in this very intimate personal moment with these families.
For more information please contact me at 704-606-4258 or email me at uniquebyhisdesign@gmail.com or payne.diane@gmail.com
I want to take a moment and Thank Pastor Furtick and the wonderful people at Elevation Church for empowering us to do God's work! God Bless you all!! <3
I love you girl and I am so proud of you for following God's purpose and direction for your life. You will be greatly blessed.
ReplyDeleteThank you, you have always been my biggest supporter! Love you!