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Friday, June 17, 2011

So it begins...or ends

So is this the beginning or the end?? Neither...both. Depends on your perspective I guess.

I have been working hard and queitly the past few weeks {months really} trying to organize...revamp the feel and overall direction of my photography.

I recently read an article about a Photographer by the name of David Jackson, he shoots outside the box. He is Fearless! I admire his work..honestly I drool over it. He is amazing and true to himself...his passion is his photography. When I read the article it prompted me to re-examine myself and my photography. Am I challenging myself everyday to be the best that I can be? Am I being true to the art or vision of my photography? I had to answer myself with an honest NO. I wasn't...frightening revelation really.

What does that mean you ask? Well, not sure just yet {how's that for honesty}. The only thing I do know is that I don't want to be just another photographer in a sea of photographers. I don't want my work to look like everyone elses. I do know one thing for sure. I LOVE being behind my camera! I could spend days there. It gives me a peace in my soul. So the only thing I can say now is that the wind of change is here.

So whats my first order of business?? Getting back to some shooting photos the way I want to. Being true to myself and the creativity that the good Lord was so gracious to give me.

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